Friday, January 06, 2006

"Jars of Clay"

The other more important treasure that I had heard about are the people of Myanmar. Many thanks go out to Dorothy, and Shelly for picking us up, showing us around, translating, bargaining for us, cooking for us, and just spending time with us telling about their ministry in Myanmar.

We also got to spend some quality time with the young people in their training program. Dorothy arranged for us to take them all out for pizza on Wed. evening. Of course none of them had ever had pizza. There was only one of them that wasn't really fond of it, he didn't even really want to try, how funny is that given after all my years in Asia that it is usually me in that situation. He was a tropper though and when there was just a little too much pizza left over he pitched in, not without some encouragement from me, to finish it off.

Here are all the trainees in their new winter attire made possibile by a donation from Jenny. We shared with them during their devotional time on Friday evening and they all came in one at a time saying how cold it was. Luckily for them it actually was a little cool that evening, maybe in the sixties. The coats are for a trip they are planning up north to a mountain village where it actually does get cold.

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