Monday, March 20, 2006


Ever since I lived in Kobe and was introduced to Katsudon at a very popular restaurant "Kishibe", I have always been on the lookout for an equivalent, but have yet to find anyplace as good. Tonight was no exception. I had heard about a famous tonkatsu store in Nakameguro and tonight I had the chance to eat there. I found it a couple of weeks ago but I got there at a bad time and they had already closed for the afternoon. Well today on my way back from a massage in Ebisu I thought I would give it a try. It was about 5:30 so still a little early for a crowd, there was one other person in the store. I ordered the Katsudon that I had seen on a TV show where these different celebrities were choosing the best Katsudon in the Tokyo area. I guess the big claim to fame of this restaurant, "たい樹" Taiki, is they use Porkshire black pork exclusively. Well maybe the pork was good, but the overall taste of the dish was lacking. I think the biggest draw back was the sauce, which was actually on the sweet side. The worst part of the meal was the price, ¥1,920. I wanted to say what a rip off, especially when you compare it to the store in Kobe where the basic price is ¥550. So what ever you do, don't waste your money on the Katsudon at Taiki.

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