Tuesday, July 04, 2006


So here are two of my purchases. Both on the little expensive side but both bought at Daiseigama, the place that I mentioned yesterday the 6 generation kiln. The green cup is huge you have to hold it with 2 hands really.

I thought this plate was rather fun and it was the only one like it so I had to take it home.

I have one more piece that I bought and it was actually less than the 2 smaller pieces. I have yet to take it out of it's wrapping, and I'm going to have to make a place for it on my balcony and it will either be a bowl for water flowers and small fish or a breeding ground for mosquitoes, most likely both. At least I hope I have time to get some plants to put it it and figure out how to keep them alive.
I'll put that pic up tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

The mosquitoes can be food for the fish, and you will have yourself an ecosystem right there on your veranda!

Mike Wagner said...

that would certainly be interesting

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.