Sunday, November 16, 2008

Random Wa

Stopped in Jiyugaoka on the way home from church to take a look at the New Adidas store. It was very disappointing, but this nice view caught my eye right next door.

After that I stopped of at Jabby's favorite coffee shop for a cookie and a cup of coffee. I sat down and sitting next to me was a couple who seemed to be in the middle of a break up conversation. Unfortunately they were sitting on my bad ear side so I couldn't get all the conversation, but from the long blanks in the conversation, and the expression on the guys face I figured that was what it had to be. From what I caught it seemed that he was the one that was desperately trying to stay together and she was not budging, in a smug sort of way. It was obvious that the conversation was not going anywhere but he seemed desperate and maybe I am reading into this but she really seemed to have him by the balls and that probably was what he was thinking with if you get my meaning.

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