Thursday, January 03, 2008


So this is my home while I'm in the states. I'm in the building on the left in the back. As you can see we have had some snow, it has been snowing off and on the last 2 days. There is not a lot of snow but enough to make it pretty. The downside of all of this is that we have had a cold snap from yesterday. This morning I was talking to Shige when I checked the temperature. This morning it is 5°, I told him that and he said, "oh the same as here, then I reminded him that this was F, in C in is -15°. Needless to say it is really cold!

I have started reading ホームレス中学生 (Homeless Jr. High student), it is not to difficult and I think if I go slow I will be able to get through it.
Yesterday I went to "Charlie Wilson's War" it was pretty good, but a little fast moving in the dialog area. I guess it just really shows that I'm not used to keeping up on conversations. Hopefully that is something that I will be working on while I'm here.


Anonymous said...

A Happy new year!
Oh, it might seem you are an eternal stranger.

Now, the book has been pretty damaged.
A couple of witnesses were saying, on TV ,that his story is too exaggerated.
I think it's not a probrem, it can't be all just a fiction, because one of the witnesses was real homeless.

Have a good time in your nice house! Another country is now difficult. from Kuma.

Mike Wagner said...

Thanks for reading and keeping up with my bloq.