Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Spiral Flowers

I guess this is what you could call my little attempt at a garden. I have tried to keep at least a few flowers blooming in the patch of ground that the landlord keeps covering over with carpet. I think I have finally won the battle of keeping a little section of the area safe from being covered over, but the rest is continually covered with carpet to keep down the weeds I believe, but they still take root and grow up through the carpet anyway. The interesting thing is that now and then I get some interesting wild flowers that pop up. These little spiral flowers are one example. Don't know what they are called but they have sprung up and are beautiful all be it very small.


Anonymous said...

great job! it's a very nice garden!

Gig Harbor flowers

Anonymous said...

No,no,no,they are nejiribana! How lucky to have them in your garden!