Monday, March 19, 2007

American Friendly??

So we went to pick up Abbey at the airport today, and while we were waiting I was trying to tell Alina a little story when this lady standing close be just jumped into our conversation. I hadn't even noticed her, but she felt free enough to just pull herself into our conversation. Why are many Americans like that? Is it good or bad, it is something that I surely never fell free to do. Now Alina said that back in the states she would have probably been the same way, but after being in Japan for not even a year yet she was so taken aback by it. Me to. Difference with me is that even when I was in the states I don't think I ever really did anything like that. Where does it come from? Does anyone know?

Anyway on the way home we stop for supper, Bernie had found a Katsu restaurant that he had found before, but when we pulled in the parking lot Alina spotted a Hard Rock so we decided to go there instead.

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