Sunday, March 25, 2007


We are finally into spring break, but can you really call it spring break when almost no one takes any time off. Even many of the students are there almost every day. In fact I have seen one student who doesn't come to classes, but she has been coming to school during break go figure. I have had to be at school this week for club, basically I just sit in the teachers room and do any work that I can find and wait for the students to go home.

But I did get some other things accomplished this week. On thursday I finally brode down and bought a niw iPod and BOSE Sound Dock. It rocks! Good quality sound and compact.
Then on Friday I took a bunch of my hard back books to the the Yokohama Central Post Office to ship them back to the states in a Special M-Bag, I was able to send 40 lbs. of books for ¥5,400. Sure it will probably take forever for them to get there, but I'm not in any rush.

Thursday night was another drum party, and a chance to get rid of the Champagne that I got from tennis parents for graduation. We of course ate like there was no tomorrow. And the German girls of course brought great desserts again. I have had to do some walking to make sure that I can still wear my new pants. I was there from 6 and didn't leave until about 11:30. We had to wait around until our teacher showed up, but the food never stoped the whole time.

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