Saturday, March 03, 2007

Old Friends

Actually this picture was taken on Aug. 17 2003, the last time that I was home for an extended period of time. All the old gang and families from my high school and college days and all connected with the Shelby Church of God. We all gathered at the Barndollar's house and had a great afternoon.

I remember first moving to Shelby and my closest friends soon became; Tom, Lynn, and Juan. Tom and I shared many strange and rather wild adventures, I remember having a doggie poo fight fling poo at each other in his back yard. I remember one summer trying to make a raft to float on the local pond. I don't think we ever succeded. And we were the founding members of the SD Har club. And for the life of me I don't remeber what it stood for, but it may have had something to do with skinny dipping.

After Tom and his family moved, Lynn and Juan still were my close buddies. Mostly because our families always spent a lot of time together. We formed the "Down by the Roadside Singers" after many evenings singing and playing around on the front lawn at Lynn's. Her house being way out in the country and the main road running past their house was the inpiration for the name. I also remember driving our car through the muddy lawn and leaving a big rut in the grass. It was all on Lynn's insistance that it was ok my parents do it all the time. I think they had to re-lanscape that little piece of the lawn though.

Fond memories of friends from the past. I don't here from them or see them that often, but when I do it is pure joy. I remember the last time I saw Tom and his family, his son told him that he sure had some cool friends.

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