Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Money, Money, Money...

It's a rich man's world.
So the song goes, and I don't feel like a rich man, but I have been doing some banking and it is sort of scary what you can do now-a-days. I guess I could go back to Florida and going to the bank and cashing 2 checks for $6,000. Of course they gave me cash and I walked with a big envelope of green. the scarry part was flying with it to Anderson, but once I got there I got to had it over to people at the board and they are making a money transfer for me.

Now the yen rate has dropped so I thought it was time to change some money, let's just say that transfer had 3 zeros too. Well that took a big bite out of my CITI Bank acct. so this morning I walked to the bank and transferred lets just say more than I was allowed to at one time. I had to get a special permission, but it wasn't that difficult, except that I forgot to tell them I had made a transfer of my rent so they had to change the amt. Now the weird thing is the transfer was made at the ATM, but I had to get permission from a bank clerk. It seems they could have done it for me if they were worried about some kind of fraud or something.

Now I have money more money in CITI Bank, I probably should be doing more transfers. I prefer having money sitting in my bank acct. in the states rather than here, because the interest really is terrible, I think the last interest that I got was about 7 yen on $10,000. Terrible huh.

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