Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Since the new subway line opened near my house it has actually been rather enjoyable to commute to work by train instead of my motorcycle. The last 2 days I have caught the commuter express which is always crowded, today to add to it is was raining which means more people are on the trains. So I'm used to being pressed up against all these random people, or so I thought. This morning there was another foreigner on the train and after the first stop we were pushed up against each other, and it was awkward. I felt like I needed to try and keep from being pushed into him, and if I did I should probably apologize or somethingl. How weird to never have this feeling when it is a Japanese person. Just really made me wonder. Luckily he closed his eyes, a good way to hide your uncomfortableness, and I got off at the next station so it wasn't so bad.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike!
Strange reading someone else's thoughts that seem to somewhat reflect mine. I definitely relate to the two faces post too!
It was good having you here!

that girl, alina said...

i hate that. SO AWKWARD, but i feel the same when im up against a foreigner too... interesting...