Monday, November 27, 2006


Here we are in the middle of Ginza having a Mary Tyler Moore moment. I'm sure that Alina has never seen the show but she joined in anyway. It is amazing that they close off the street to traffic on holidays, and oh so nice that they do. At least it gives you some place to walk. You can see all the people in the background, just think if they were all scrunched up on the sidewalks. I'm sure we were being stared at as Rach took our picture.

But speaking of causing stares, on our way to the museum that day an older man got on the train and sat on the other side of the train and lucikly for us a ways down. There weren't very many people on the train and all of the sudden the man opened his pants and started fixing his shirt, then he reached down his pant leg and I'm really not sure what he was doing, he seemed oblivious to the fact that there were other people on the train. The funny thing is that this kind of thing doesn't really surprise me anymore. You do see the funniest things some time. So in comparison our little twirling antics are nothing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I once saw a guy picking his ears on the train and wiping the harvest in a line on the thumb of his other hand. The lady next to him was grossed out and changed her seat. I also saw a lady with a bunch of straight pins stuck in her big toe. There were not too many people standing around her either. On another occasion a fellow was demonstrating his Karate skills inside the train on the doors and windows. I reported that one to the drivers, but they didn't do anything about it because he was only hitting things and not people.