Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

So in Japan they always do things a little different.  So on Valentines day it is the girls that hand out chocolate. Of course it is a big industry because the woman hand out to fellow employees as well as that special person in their life.  Well this year Valentine's day is on a Sat. and I think the chocolate makers realized with it being a day off there were not going to be as many people giving what they call "giri choco", obligation chocolate.  So one of the way to combat this was to introduce "gyaku choco", reverse chocolate.  Which is basically what they would say if a man gave chocolate on Valentines day, indicating they were doing things backwards.  Now to emphasize this they prepared some of this "gayku choco" with the packaging all printed in reverse.  What will they think of next. Found this good example on the shelves at my local convenience store.  Which I was going to but when I came home last night the shelves were all cleared.  I guess they realized people weren't going to actually buy anything on the actual day.

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