Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Presidential Potential

From CNN here are the results of the top 6 candidates. It has been interesting to be back in the states while this is all going on. Now I'm not very opinionated when it comes to politics but I do have some ideas about this election. I think John Edwards would make a good president, too bad he is not getting lots of press. He looks more like a president, I don't think America is ready for a woman or a black president. Maybe I have just been gone too long to really understand the feeling of most Americans. And I don't consider myself to be a bigot or prejudiced, but I heard a newscaster talking about presidential names, and he was saying most of these front runners don't have presidential sounding names. I don't think America is ready for a president whose middle name is Hussein. Am I wrong? I am surprised no one has brought it up. Barack Hussein Obama.

On the republican side, is there a good candidate? Huckabee, an ordained minister, I think that he has had to deal with tough questions just because he is a pastor, and he comes out sounding good. Bust sadly to say I think America will also have time backing an evangelical minister. How sad. So for right now I'm hoping that Edwards will make some inroads.

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