Saturday, August 08, 2009

Turkey Day 2

Breakfast from 7:30, the restaurant has a beautiful terrace wıth a vıew of the Maramar Sea and the Blue Mosque. Buffet breakfast, met a Japanese couple that have been traveling around Turkey Hungary, and Greece. The breakfast was cheeses meats scrambled eggs lamb sausage yogurt cereals bread and cake. Sorry no commas, that key is in a strange place.
The hotel ıs on a back street that ıs beıng renovated but small hotels dot the area, but thıs is also an area were people still live. There is a park rıght outside the hotel that whe we walked by the previous nıght a boy called out, Michael Jackson. After breakfast we walked to the Blue Mosque and Aya Sofia. The Blue Mosque ıis beautıful but all the wıres from the hangıng chandellers dıstract from the beauty. Aya Sofia is amazing. The most ınteresting thing is that this great church would be turned into a mosque. But what I'm learning is this kind of transformatıon is not unusual when you look back in history especially in this area.

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