Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Funeral for a Friend

Usuda, Takeuchi, Watanabe, Hayashi, Motohashi, Ueno, Anda, Ishii, Suzuki, Yatabe, Yamaguchi, Tamaki, Tsuda, Mari, Onuma; all old co-workers and a few I will still consider valued friends. Those kind of people with whom it feels like you can pick up right where you left off no matter how many years past. The last three names on the list are just that type of friend. Last night I went to the wake of Mamiko Okazawa. It was actually a very nice wake but way too long, two hours and fifteen minutes. Anyway the above mentioned people are all teachers at Chiba Eiwa, afterwards it was really nice to spend some time with the last 3, it seemed like it was just yesterday since I had seen them. I really like relationships like that ones that stay fresh and meaningful even through large gaps of time.

Back to the funeral, just the week before Kozo Shimada was drilling me on what kind of funeral I wanted, well I'm not planning to kick off anytime soon, but at least I do know one thing, it will be less than an hour. He asked me about music and I remembered that when I was younger I always thought that I would like to have Elton John's " Funeral for a Friend" played at my funeral. Actually I don't really remember how the song goes anymore, I will have to check into it. But when I think of it I think of it I think that I would like my funeral to be a fun occasion. Sure there will be somber moments, but I would hope that people that I have know would be able to gather chat reminisce and just enjoy the time remembering.

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