Saturday, June 03, 2006

Some students outside school. These are just 4 of the girls that will be going to Florida this year, I think it is going to be a good group. They are very eager and attentative they should have a great experience.This will be by 5th year taking the girls it is always an enjoyable trip and a good time of relaxation, away from all the stress of Japan.

Speaking of stress, Thursday I had another run in with my tennis students. they had decided to practice without informing me of their intention. Which really shouldn't pose any problem but this is Japan and there is a heirarcy to things, and ultimately I carry the responsibility if there is any problem. I found out as I was on my way out of the school. I think this is just one more of their attempts to avoid me. I feel the other teachers wouldn't tolerate such action so neither can I. I think some of the problem is being caused by the other teacher involved, ie. he has set it up so he is the ultimate athority in the students eyes, but he is not at school everyday and can not take care of all the daily workings just by e-mail. I need to sit down with him and make some stipulations on how I feel things should be communicated. It is a very touchy subject though.

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