Sunday, August 31, 2008

Soaked Again!

What is up?  It was over cast when I left this morning so of course I made sure to take my umbrella.  Didn't need it at all the weather was beautiful all day, and when I left the house again to meet Jabby for dinner at 5:30 it was still beautiful. Then of course as we were just about finished the torrential rains hit again.  Well we hopped in a taxi and they dropped me at the station, and I thought well it will be another umbrella purchase at the convenience store, so as I jumped into the store and glanced over to find all the umbrellas were gone.  Well luckily I was wearing a wife-beater so I slipped my shirt of after walking a little ways stuck it in the little bag that I had, luckily or my cell would have been fried, and got drenched the rest of the way.  I did take my shoes off at one point because on Friday I remembered that it was like a river behind my house.  Well tonight it wasn't as bad, but still.  This has been the most unusual week of weather I have ever experienced in Japan.  You think we were being hit by a typhoon.

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