Thursday, September 07, 2006

Yellow Lines

Today was a rather busy day, not in the fact that I had a lot of work to do but a lot of busy work. Most of my free time today at school was spent getting all the things done to go to a tennis coaches mtg. today after school. I had a bunch of papers to fill out and get ready before I could go and doing that in Japanese of course takes time. Luckily some of it I could do on the computer which was a life saver. Well I made it throught the day and to the mtg. and then on the way home I got pulled over for crossing a yellow line. The first thing they ask me of course is do you speak Japanese, inside I'm yelling no of course not, but of course my answer was a weak grunt saying yes. Now I know that if you are lucky and you feighn ignorance sometimes they will let you go, but I wasn't going to push my luck. So anyway now the trip for the school is putting me back ¥6,000, maybe I should have the school reimburse me. We can all wish can't we. Well I'm off to drums, probably still not fully recoverd from Sunday but at least it is some exercise.

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