Monday, May 07, 2007

The Many Faces of Kenji

Kenji, quickly became our friend, and for that fact anybody's friend. He was so funny, so full of life, abounding in energy, and many different interesting faces. Don't have a picture of his most interesting face one that can only be described as his Tyrannosaurus Rex face. Like I said it seemed that he migrated to us foreigners, for who know what reason, but he will talk to anyone, and anyone who he talks to is immediately captivated with his charisma.
Now remember he is five! And at the same time he is talking to us foreigners and half of the time we are speaking in English and he seemed to not be bothered but just jump into the conversation. Half the time I think he knew what we were talking about. Sometimes he pretended to speak in English, but other times he would ask how to say something in English, or we would teach him little phrases that he would use and then be overjoyed when he used it and people understood him. It was very interesting. I wish I had students as motivated as him.

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