Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Shuri Jo 2

As we stepped into the entrance they were having a live performance of some traditional Okinawan Court music. It was very interesting, we only saw the last performance though. That was ok though because we were sort of pressed for time.

This is the main hall of the Castle. Very different from anything Japanese much more Chinese in style.

Lots of vibrant colors and motifs.

One of the Shi Sa that guards the entrance. I had seen a shirt that had this on it that I almost bought but I wasn't quite sure what some people would think about it.

It was not as vibrant red as I remember, maybe because it was raining and overcast, but still very beautiful. They have been doing work making restorations and improvements. There was a section behind this main building where they had restored the living quarters. This part although did look very Japanese.

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