Monday, May 07, 2007

Okinawa Day One

On the spur of the moment last Wed. I decided to join my friends and go to Okinawa. Well actually I realized on Monday that my week had been freed up and I really didn't give much thought in going to Okinawa because I figured that there was no way I would be able to get a flight there and back at the last minute. I had checked earlier and it looked very unlikely. Well when I got to work on Wed. I thought I would just check, and low and behold there were seats available, so I snapped them up made a few calls and the wheels were set in motion.

I made a quick run by my house to hurriedly pack then I was off to the airport. As it turned out I had booked the same flight as the Bartons, Alina, Abbey, Rachelle, and the Sakata sisters.

Pastor Kinjo picked us up at the airport loaded us all in his van and off to his church to spend the night. I was excited to be able to get away for all of Golden Week, even though it meant skipping out on my drum camp that I had planned to go for one day. It is probably for the better, I wasn't really looking forward to a whole day of torture.

I was the only one that had grabbed a sandwich at the airport and wasn't completely starved, but when we got to the church, Mrs. Asato had a meal ready for us. She is a great cook and this is one of her ministries, cooking for church occasions. She took care of us while we stayed at the church. The food was really good with a very Okinawa family home cooking feel.

The next morning we waited around the church for the other members to gather and then we headed off to the port to catch a 1:00 ferry to Tokashiki island. Alina spent most of the morning taking crazy pictures with my camera. Below is one of her "portraits", if you don't know already it is Abbey and Alina.

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