Sunday, May 24, 2009

Apartment Gardening

In my attempt to make things around my apartment building just a little nicer I went out and got some flowers to but into the flower bed that was recently weeded and left empty.  Actually I think they had but an old carpet down a few years ago to keep the weeds down but that also succumbed to weeds so they just pulled it up and left it empty.  There used to be trees in here but for some reason they took them out, there is another one behind it that still has the carpet down except for the very end where I've tried to at least keep some things growing.  The other side has almost now become self preserving, with some wild lilies that come up every year, and surprisingly enough some plants that I put in last year survived the winter and have been blooming again this year.  And there is also the grown cover plant that you pretty much can't kill that has really nice flowers that are out in the day time.  The old section has managed to survive, but I'm not sure how long this side will last. If it can survive the hot summer and then the weeds while I am gone this summer and if the landlord doesn't send someone out to just rip it all out or just through another piece of carpet over it it should bring some beauty for at least a few months.  And just maybe it will distract from the discarded TV at the end of the wall.

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